Hello, and welcome to Art As Catharsis

It’s a pleasure to have you here.

Art As Catharsis is a label I’ve been running since 2011. It exists because I believe that Australia has some of the most forward-thinking and unique artists in the world.

While we cover a broad range of genres (jazz, post rock, doom, prog, experimental pop…) there are a few threads woven throughout our back-catalog: interesting rhythms; ritual drone; psychedelia; and, well, the practise of music as catharsis.

Go check out our catalog over on Bandcamp.

And if you want to be kept in the loop with our new releases, please join our Mailing List, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Thank you.

Lachlan Dale
Label Manager
Art As Catharsis

The importance of supporting underground art

I feel compelled to write something on this topic.

Services like Spotify, YouTube and Netflix have somehow convinced us that art is cheap or free.

This is a lie, and a rather damaging one.

Many of the artists we work with are not paid properly for their work. If you have the means, I would strongly encourage you to regularly purchase albums, merch and CDs/vinyl from your favourite artists on Bandcamp. It makes a huge difference.