Landslide comes through as the second single off Geophone. While the track is earthen in name, the music dances between earth-shaking fuzz and delicate pattering – similar to rain on a tin-roof.



Sanna’s lightly fuzzed, hulking riffs are counterbalanced with Ilsar’s heated drumming – the two twisting around each other using unexpected progressions that slice through the music at different intervals. As the track closes, it becomes clear that Landslide is a perfect example of Sanna and Ilsar in their element, delivering a fluid improvisational jam riddled with both intrigue and cohesion alike.

“For me,” begins Ilsar, “I keep listening to Kyle’s playing and think how incredible it is that we somehow found each other across the Pacific and that even though we have such different musical influences, that our musical language is so similar. I don’t remember the very moment that Kyle created that drone that starts Landslide, I think it emerged out of a much longer improvisation, the fifth version of a session that we simply called V for a long time. But as you listen to this document of this moment in time, spliced between two ends of a longer improvisation if I recall correctly, images and feelings start jumping out of you.”

Geophone, Ground Patrol’s new record, is available on Bandcamp on March 6th. Their first single, Quake and second single, Landslide are available to stream now.

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